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MEDIEVAL NORSE SNAKES ON LAKE SUPERIOR...and a matching Native American Oral Coincidence?


Sometimes reading a new book will bring about nice surprises.  Not many days ago, a member of this KRS Supporters Club recommended to the Group this book, seen below, by T. Reiersgord, and I decided to purchase it and read it, even though I had already determined that some of the author's opinions were badly askew, such as his take on what caused the "red with blood" scenerio at the Lake With Two Skerries.

But to start off, I should mention a "background article" I wrote on this subject about five years ago for the Norwegian American newspaper.  In the article, I went into a lot of what I thought were meaningful details about this petroglyph seen here.  The carving is located on the southern shore of Lake Superior, at Copper Harbor, Michigan.  Both this photo and a photo of a nearby carved bear were taken for me several years ago by a friend (a boat captain) local to the Copper Harbor area.

Please concentrate for a moment on the two ends of the ship.  You will see snakeheads--a very Norse thing.  Here's the startling coincidence I would like you to see:  carved wooden snakes on a sailing ship are also mentioned by Susan Windgrow, the aged Native American woman featured in Reiersgord's short chapter, below.

Make of it what you will, but it seems to come down to a question of how reliable oral tradition and information can be coming from various Native American sources from coast-to-coast, especially when dozens of generations have passed by.

But, somehow, this situation presented here seems like it could be more than just mere coincidence, when one considers where this woman's ancestors (those seeing the ship) may have come from...again, coincidentally, from about where the ship may have been left by the sea (Lake Superior) with ten men.  Everything looks to be tied together with Norse snakes!  How appropriate.

Please take a few moments to read the article in the Norwegian American, since it has much to do with the nice surprise I found in this book by Reiersgord.  Suffice to say that a very short chapter in  Reiersgord's book ended up injecting a nice so-called coincidence into my research, via a ninety year old interview with a ninety year old Native American woman, whose ancestors may have once lived in the western Lake Superior area, perhaps around 1362. 



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